Gruppe Speed Car  SMCC

Ein Teil der Zukunft unseres Hobbys!

e-Speed Car

In Europa gibt erst vereinzelte, einfache Versuche zum Thema  e-Speed Car.
In den USA sind schon weiter fortgeschrittene Modelle im Einsatz.

Sie sind heute schon schneller als unsere Modelle mit Verbrennungsmotoren!

Uns Verbrenungsmotoren-Freks fehlt das e-Knowhow,  deshalb suchen wir Interessenten mit Elektro- und Elektronik-Kenntnissen und Freude am Tuning von e-Motoren und e-Steuerungen. Die Suche nach der maximalen Leistung ist der Kick bei unserem Hobby.

Was können wir dir bieten:

  • Kameradschaft und Erfahrungsaustausch
  • Kontakte zur weltweiten Speed Car Familie
  • Die Bahn-Infrastruktur
  • Zeitmessungs-Infrastruktur
  • Erfahrung in Veranstaltungsorgansisation 
  • Jahrzehnte Erfahrung im Speed Modelcar Bau
  • Erfahrung im Chassisbau aus Alu und Carbon

Die USA ist dabei ein Reglement für die  e-Speed zu formulieren, hier der Entwurf:


The purpose of this proposal is to outline guidelines that could be used as an addendum to the current AMRCA and WMCR rules so as to establish three competitive classes for electric powered tether cars. This proposal provides limitations for each class that allow freedom of design and choice of equipment, while paying strict attention to safety requirements. All other parameters of existing tether car requirements including General (with the exception of cars being limited to combustion engines), Stability, Body, Bridle, Shutoff, and Skid, would remain the same. Wheels may be open or enclosed.

The proposed classes would be labeled e-1 through e-3, with e-3 being the heaviest and most powerful cars. There would be no restrictions placed on the equipment concerning the motor, motor controller, battery size, type, number of cells, or car design that could be used in each class, providing the car meets the watt-hour limitations as specified in the class requirements (see below), the weight requirements, and passes the required safety inspection.

The classes will be determined by limiting the total amount of energy available to the motor from the onboard batteries as measured in watt-hours (amp hour rating of the battery times the battery packs total voltage, or Ah x V as rated by the battery manufacturer). All classes MUST use commercially manufactured and labeled battery packs. The limitations would be as follows: e-3 Maximum allowable watt-hours of motor battery power = 61 - 80 WH e-2 Maximum allowable watt-hours of motor battery power = 41 - 60 WH e-1 Maximum allowable watt-hours of motor battery power = up to 40 WH Each class will be allowed a maximum total weight so as to comply with established safety standards regarding the class cable size. Maximum weight limits are as follows: e-3 Maximum allowable weight = 3.130 kg. (6 lbs. 14.4 oz.) e-2 Maximum allowable weight = 2.300 kg.
(5 lbs. 1.13 oz.) e-1 Maximum allowable weight = 2.000 kg. (4 lbs. 6.54 oz.)  

Based on current safety factor calculations, the proposed initial cable sizes for different classes are listed below. These will be updated as required to maintain safe operation of the cars in each class. e-3 2.0 mm. (.079 inch) change at 214 mph. e-2 1.6 mm. (.063 inch) change at 203 mph. e-1 1.4 mm. (.055 inch) change at 193mph.  

There are a number of reasons why we feel the watt-hour method is a good way to determine the classification of electric powered tether cars, however the first and foremost is freedom of design.   If limitations are placed on classes that include the use of specified equipment such as only one kind, or size of motor, or specific batteries, or motor controller, or only specified cars, then the car builders opportunity to experiment is greatly limited. By using the classifications as outlined above, the tether racer is wide open to try different aerodynamics in their design, different motor sizes and gear ratios, different batteries and voltages, and different on board electronic packages for motor control. Other than the watt-hour restriction, weight, and the established general requirements, there would be no other limits placed on the car’s design. We feel that experimentation and freedom of design are an important ingredient in keeping our hobby exciting for those of us who are already involved, and for sparking interest in potential new membership.    

WH = Milliamp hours (battery rating) divided by 1000 times nominal battery voltage.  

WH = (Mah/1000) x 3.7 x # of cells.  

Roger and George Phillips  

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